Saturday, October 23, 2010

2010 10 23 - Tourist Time

Cathedral of Christ the Savior (click to enlarge)

Billie Jo picked out some easy sight seeing for me since she knew I would be tired - I also wanted to try and get on Moscow time so checking out the town was a better option then a needed nap.
She took me to a bridge located adjacent to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. From the bridge you can see several landmarks including the Church - which is actually a recreation of the an historic church that was destroyed during in 1931 (a Stalin initiative) - The new Cathedral was finished in 2000 and is the tallest orthodox church in the world.

Other sights include the Kremlin, The Krasny Oktyabr Chocolate factory and a gigantic statue of Peter the Great (double the height of the statue of liberty).

Mercedes Benz also has an office in the area as their logo towers over one of the office buildings that casts a shadow on nearby Red Square.

The bridge itself crosses the Moscow River which flows through the city. The location is somewhat helpful in getting oriented in this new town, but I am still in a fog from the travel hangover.


Cafe Lebedev near Arbat (click to enlarge)

We then walk a few blocks to one of Billie Jo's favorite Cafes. It is a small cafe in a popular Arts district of Moscow. During the walk I am able to identify several letters and even a few words on signs. There are several words that can be transliterated from Russian-English, Kafe, Kofe, Komputer, bank (since they have only had banks for 20 years, their word for bank is "bank"),
metro (pronounced MITRO), Taxi, Salad, Salon, Restarant, Menu and many many more.

We grab a drink and a small snack at the cafe. This is only a warm up for my dinner as Billie Jo was smart enough to prepare a delicious and comforting potato and vegetable soup for my first dinner in Moscow. She also has me try a syrniki, it is sort of a miniature cheese pancake - pretty sweet with sort of a cheesecake texture and taste.

I finish my dinner and head for bed - I make it till almost 10p - I have been up for roughly 30 straight hours. That is enough - my first night in Moscow I sleep well.

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